The perfect companion


劳力士无需介绍。劳力士是印度乃至全世界令人垂涎的豪华手表品牌之一 ,劳力士不言而喻。劳力士是一种风格宣言和身份象征,只要您买得起,您就不会出错。




Tommy Hilfiger 拥有标志性的全球大使,是一个紧握时尚脉搏的品牌。为您的收藏添加一款风格升级的 TH 手表,增添世界时尚元素,大幅提升您的时尚商数!


造型提示:Tommy Hilfiger 手表是乡村俱乐部短途旅行、忙碌工作日、前往您喜爱的地点旅行以及在城镇中办事的完美伴侣。这些时尚腕表可搭配各种休闲和度假服装,并且由于其时尚简约的设计,在任何时候都看起来很棒。所以,继续投资印度最好的手表品牌之一 Tommy Hilfiger,并享受您的风格吧!


A Rolex needs no introduction. One of the most coveted luxury watch brands in India and indeed, the world, a Rolex speaks for itself. A style statement and a status symbol, you cannot go wrong with a Rolex, provided you can afford it.


This is not an affordable brand and is well known for its exorbitant prices. Wearing a Rolex is flex on your success and social stature, so the brand is not interested in being accessible to the common masses.


Styling Cue: Wear your Rolex with luxury fashion – be it a stylish crafted in the atelier of a famous Indian designer, a decadent cashmere ensemble that sits on the skin like butter, or a classic Armani suit worn with timeless.


One of the best watch brands in India for tech junkies is undeniably Apple! If you are someone who just needs more from their watches – more functionality, fashion options, and seamless integration, the Apple Watch is for you.


The best smartwatch in the market, an Apple watch is so much more than a timepiece! Although by no means cheap, an Apple watch is still on the affordable side if you factor in the amount of utility it provides when compared to a regular watch.



今天和雅克·库斯托时代都是如此。如今,您可以轻松地花 四五位数购买潜水表但下面的手表却能以更少的钱提供几乎同样多的防水功能和同等的航海性能。我们深入电子零售领域,推出了 15 款 500 美元以下绝对最佳的潜水手表。 








Pubblico Ultimo aggiornamento: 2023-07-05 04:12:18 AM